Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Trace Together and other government apps


The announcement – summarised by the Straits Times here is of course good news and not really surprising. Although I guess it’s news because many people would not have been surprised if the government would have announced that they keep the data a little longer…. for whatever reason.

But that didn’t happen.

 However, just a few weeks ago there was a public outcry over the new EZ link card mostly focused on the fact that it was inconvenient and not needed.

Comments related to the government not having put enough efforts into explaining the need. But maybe there was no need at all, at least not from the point of view of the average public transport user.

Then there is the Singapore HealthHub app in which (on the back of the vaccination drives during the pandemic) not only the covid vaccinations but essentially all personal medical data, appointments and what have you are registered.

All properly secured via the SingPass app but still… I assume the government has access to these data as well.

Then… over the weekend I wanted to go for a swim at one of the Swimming Centres – you used to be able to pay cash or with your (old style) EZ link card but that is no longer possible. You need to register (with SingPass or a photo-id) on the ActiveSG app.. another  government controlled app, with all sorts of personal (behavioural) data.

So maybe there is no master plan from the  Singapore government around or behind all this…. Fact is though that apps – government controlled or government supported apps – contain a lot of data that – when combined and/or used for unintended purposes could pose all sorts of dangers.



Any thoughts? Am I overthinking things here or seeing ghosts??

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